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Texas Beef Council Beef 706 workshop

The Texas Beef Council will host the annual Beef 706 workshop Oct. 29 – 30 at Texas A&M University. 

Beef 706 is a two-day course sponsored by the Texas Beef Council for the educational sector of the Texas Beef Checkoff. 

“The goal of Beef 706 is to help cattle producers understand the food side of the industry,” said Daniel Hale, Ph.D., Agrilife Extension Associate Director. 

Texas A&M Agrilife beef extension specialists are gearing up to teach sessions over beef carcass grading, meat cutting, carcass fabrication, genetic selection techniques, and effective stockmanship, Hale said. This workshop stands out from others because it is instructed by top industry leaders. 

“All instructors have established themselves as having expertise in best cattle management practices or meat processing practices,” Hale said. 

The event appeals to many cattle producers around Texas, but only the first 40 to sign up are guaranteed a spot, Hale said. Any cattle producer in the state of Texas that has paid the Beef Checkoff dollar is eligible to sign up for the workshop, expense-free. 

“The participants range from producers that own five head of cattle to over a million head of cattle,” Hale said. 

Texas cattle producers struggle to understand how their adopted practices in raising a herd directly affect the steak on a consumer’s plate, Hale said. Through hands-on learning, attendees will grasp new techniques that can quickly improve the quality of the beef coming out of their herd. 

“One hundred percent of past attendees say that this course will either ‘save us money or help us save more money,' and that,‘we do plan on adopting new technologies or making changes into our existing management practices based off of what we learned in the course,’” Hale said.

To learn more about the workshop and how to register, please visit or 

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